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EnergyBus - A Standard in Standardization Process

In about 3 to 4 years, the EnergyBus Standard (EBS) will rule Europe-wide. The bike and Tourism Congress TRAVEL TALK at EUROBIKE informed on the standardized Charge & Lock Cable within the EnergyBus pilot project in the regions of the German Alps. 

For the 12th time, the Bike and Tourism Congress TRAVEL TALK brought the bicycle and travel industries together. The topic got great feedback in the conference center at EUROBIKE 2013.

Please download the presentation of Michael Götz (Tegernseer Tal Tourismus GmbH) here:

>> Pilotprojekt LadeSchlossKabel (PDF)

>> photo gallery (flickr)

Charge & Lock Cable - Charging and Locking at the same time
Many of the solutions which have been realised in public places are based on the simple principle of an electric socket. Pedelec and E-Bike chargers are not legal to use unless they are approved for outside use which they are generally not. Together with the lock manufacturer ABUS, EnergyBus has developed a compatible charger and lock which can be used regardless of the weather. This way, pedelec riders and e-bikers can protect their bike from being stolen and charge the battery at the same time.

At the Taipei Cycle Show in March 2013 EnergyBus presented a market-ready product that has been in place in the Tegernsee region since this summer.

>> There is no Option but EnergyBus

Michael Götz (Tegernseer Tal Tourismus GmbH): „We also offer the movelo pedelec rental and battery exchange service in our region. But a lot of our guests are looking for a region where they can bring their own pedelec for which they expect compatible charging options. That was the particular challenge. So, we teamed up with other industry partners."

The companies on board for the technical and conceptual realisation include the pedelec rental specialist movelo, the lock manufacturer ABUS, Ziegler, a construction company for outdoor facilities and the electronic suppliers, Rosenberger (plugs) and Marquardt (switches).

The Charge & Lock Cable
André Kähne (ABUS) explained a further practical application: "Supposed, a large industrial company with 20,000 factory bikes says at some point that they want to replace all of them by pedelecs, but do not want to bind to a special manufacturer. Then, they will need one standard for the whole premises so that all employees can charge their pedelecs. Regardless of the drive system used.

What makes the EnergyBus system special is that we are absolutely universal. We work with 12 V, 24 V, 36 V and 48 V, and of course, the electric bicycle must be EnergyBus compatible. Currently, we gather both technical and user information within the pilot project to optimize the Charge & Lock Cable."

EnergyBus - Standard in Standardization Process
The results of the gathered information will influence directly the international standards for charging interfaces of Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) of the working groups of the international electric an mechanical organizations for Standardization (IEC/ISO/TC69/JPT61851-3).

"Next year at this time, the standard EnergyBus will have become a so-called technical standard. In about 3 to 4 years, the EnergyBus Standard (EBS) will rule Europe-wide. By then at the latest, any vehicle manufacturer who is selling Light Electric Vehicles must equip them with a compatible standardized communication interface", viewed Hannes Neupert (EnergyBus) into the near future.

For further information, we recommend to visit the following next events:

>> 15 - 18 October 2013 IEC/ISO Standardization Face to Face Meeting

>> 17 October 2013 BATSO General Meeting

>> 6 November 2013 EnergyBus Seminar in Nuremberg

>> EnergyBus at Taipei Cycle Show 2014

Text: EnergyBus e.V.

Translation and picture: Angela Budde

11 September 2013

Last update: 16 September 2013



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