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Test Scooters électriques légers 2002 : Les résultats

12 scooters électriques légers ont participés au premier test d'ExtraEnergy sur cette catégorie. Découvrez les derniers résultats avec les prix et les contacts. Disponible au téléchargement. lire la suite...


Les résultats des Tests 2008 seront fonction de la clientèle cible

Starting with the 2008 ExtraEnergy Test, the results will be analyzed according to the needs of specific target groups. Test Manager Frieder Herb presented the new evaluation system in Taipei in March 2008. lire la suite...


TEST 2008 : 15 vélos labellisés 'Très Bon'

2 sessions, 3 parcours, 10 testeurs et des kilomètres sans fin nous ont permis de mettre à la lumière du jour les performances des 28 vélos testés. lire la suite...


LEVs tested at Challenge Bibendum

ExtraEnergy team members were involved in the pedelec and e-bike testings at Challenge Bibendum in June 2006. A report by Susanne Bruesch. lire la suite...


Test 2007: The Results

In 2007, seven pedelecs were tested. All test results of the 2006 test have been updated and are included in the latest test report. lire la suite...


Pedelec/E-Bike Test 2006: The Results

All results of the 12 tested pedelecs and the Helio e-bike here, also for download. Read more about the 2006 Test! lire la suite...


Panasonic Lithium-Ion Drive Unit tested

The extremely light-weight Li-Ion drive unit by Panasonic has been tested in the ExtraEnergy Test 2002/03 in a pedelec for the Japanese Domestic Market.

Test Rating 2002/03: Good
lire la suite...


ExtraEnergy Bike Test 2002: The Results

12 pedelecs and 1 e-bike with test results, prices and contact information. New in this year's test: hill range, assistance mode and Test Seal. lire la suite...


Pedelec-Test 2001

14 Pedelecs in the ExtraEnergy City and Hill Test. All results with contact information available for download. lire la suite...


Calendrier :

7 - 12 September 2021, IAA, Munich, Testtrack

Tous les Événements...