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Eduard Stolz at IEA HEV Task 23 Workshop

Eduard Stolz, IEC/ISO Joint Project Team Convenor, informed on the development of the harmonized standard on LEV Parking and Charging Solutions requested by the EU Mandate 468 from 2010. Download now.

Eduad Stolz informed within the best practice-sharing workshop on the 21st September 2015 hosted by the IEA HEV Implementing Agreement Working Group on Public Parking and Charging Infrastructure (Task 23).

>> impressions (flickr)

Download available in English language:

>> Light EV Standardization (PDF)

Within the workshop, Hannes Neupert (Executive Director EnergyBus e.V.), Eduard Stolz (IEC/ISO Joint Project Team Convenor) and Alexander Segmüller (GF EWheelMotion) discussed on future milestones necessary for further global growth of two-wheeler sharing as part of public transport. Also, parking solutions to foster the further acceptance of bicycles and pedelecs as daily mobility devices in all parts of the world were discussed.

Read an interview with Alexander Segmüller (GF EWheelMotion) in German language here:

>> EWheeelMotion auf der IAA 2015

Text and picture: Angela Budde

12 October 2015



7 - 12 September 2021, IAA, Munich, Testtrack

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