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Key Technologies - Part 6 - Standard Energy Storage

State of the global pedelec market and technology - where does it go? Key technologies for LEVs which will drive the next 10 years of innovation - part 6.

On 26th November 2019, Hannes Neupert, Chairman ExtraEnergy e.V./Executive Director EnergyBus e.V., talked online at the "Ebike Future Conference".    

Topic: State of the global pedelec market and technology - where does it go?    

• Self introduction
• Market of pedelecs today
• Market drivers in the past*
• Market drivers today*
• Key technologies for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) which will drive the next 10 years of innovation!
• Disruptors? Who will become the "Elon of the Pedelecs"?  

Watch part 6 of "Key technologies for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) which will drive the next 10 years of innovation!":

>> Key technologies for LEVs - part 6 (vimeo) 

Standard Energy Storage
"Standard battery - this is really relevant", Hannes Neupert, Chairman ExtraEnergy e.V./Executive Director EnergyBus e.V. is enthusiatic on this topic at the "Ebike Future Conference". 

"So far, everyone believes it is not necessary.

I believe it is necessary as we have still some fossil fuels - they are also standardized. 

This means that a car which is produced in Japan can work with gas in Africa, in Brazil, in Europe, in Russia, in China, because the gasoline types are standardised. This could be the electrical version of it.

 I would say, it still takes some time but some test applications are already there. Some small scale. Let´s see." 

Ebike Future Conference
The full video of Hannes Neupert`s speach and all other conference videos are now available at the conference website:   

>> Ebike Future Conference  

*only available at

>> Key Technologies for LEVs - Part 5

Video recording and lecturing: Hannes Neupert  

 Video editing and online publication: Angela Budde   

Picture: Video screenshot     

23rd February 2020

Latest update: 26th March 2020




7 - 12 September 2021, IAA, Munich, Testtrack

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