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Russland tritt in die Pedale

Russia goes cycling. Entertaining report in regard to the Russian bicycle “lifestyle” of the 80’s and 90’s. Also included, a pioneer’s bio––the world famous solar racer Aleksandr Popolov.
Auteur/Žditeur: Susanne Bruesch and Hannes Neupert
Date de parution: 1999
Éditeur: ExtraEnergy, Tanna, Germany
Langue: German or Russian
Prix: 16,00 €

In Russia, people prefer to drive a car if they can afford one. Riding a bicycle oftentimes denotes belonging to a lower class. However, because of the growing popularity of mountain bikes among the youth, the cyclist’s image is improving somewhat.

At a closer glance, you will find pioneers who, despite all of the difficulties that the Soviet system caused, attempted to equip their bicycles and velomobiles with electric drives and solar panels. Using all sorts of unique experiments, they fought for their “freedom on wheels”.

55 pages, 90 black/white images.


Calendrier :

7 - 12 September 2021, IAA, Munich, Testtrack

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