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Nuevo proyecto de ExtraEnergy España

Test & Smile – España 2015. Cargo-pedelecs, pedelecs & e-bikes - España 2015. Descripción del proyecto. más...


Bicicletas eléctricas Mojácar

En Mójacar este viernes 21 de febrero y de forma gratuita, podrás montar en bicicleta eléctrica. No importa tu condición física o edad porque la bicicleta eléctrica es para todos los públicos. más...


Dopaje Legal

Video de la competencia de Pedelecs en Stuttgart, 2007.

Ciclistas expertos en el uso de Pedelecs e importantes representates del sector publico y privado participaron en este evento.


Water Pedelec SeaScape - The first of its Kind

La nueva SeaScape es una verdadera innovacion para todos los aficionados a los deportes acuaticos. Esta pieza de arte posee soporte electrico, convirtiendola de esta manera en una pedelec. Con motivo del Show Nautico Internacional de Düseeldor # 43 fue presentada por primera vez al público. Se exhibirá hasta el 29 de enero del 2012 en el pasillo 10, Stand B66.


Granada- una ciudad con necesidad de vehículos eléctricos

El 12 de febrero el Sr. Andrés Moreno, editor de la pagina web y miembro del personal de ExtraEnergy se reunió con prominentes representantes políticos en la ciudad española de Granada para obtener la aprobación de la promoción de eventos  GoPedelec en la ciudad. El Sr. Moreno compartió con nosotros sus experiencias por medio de este reporte.



Do people who buy electric bikes cycle more?

Research, Institute of Transport Economics, Norway, 2020: People who buy an electric bike more than double their use of bicycle for transport. "We found that people who purchased an e-bike increased their bicycle use from 2.1 to 9.2 km per day on average..." más...


Disruption of EU pedelec market by corona 4 to 40 million annual sales

What can we learn from past corona virus pandemic? 40 million pedelecs annualy by 2026 season in Europe?


Disruptors? Who is Elon of the pedelecs?

State of the global pedelec market and technology - where does it go? Who is Elon of the pedelec? Think out of the box. más...


Key Technologies for LEVs - Part 2 - injection molded plastic frames

State of the global pedelec market and technology - where does it go? Key technologies for LEVs which will drive the next 10 years of innovation - part 2. Excerpt of the Ebike Future Conference 2019. más...


Key Technologies for LEVs - Part 1

State of the global pedelec market and technology - where does it go? Key technologies for LEVs which will drive the next 10 years of innovation - part 1. Excerpt of the Ebike Future Conference 2019. más...


Market of Pedelecs Today - Part 3 - Market Volumes

State of the global pedelec market and technology - where does it go? Market of pedelecs today - part 3. Global market potential of the pedelec. Excerpt of the Ebike Future Conference 2019. más...


Market of Pedelecs Today - Part 2 - Kindergarten Phase

State of the global pedelec market and technology - where does it go? Market of pedelecs today - part 2. The individual traffic tool just started. Excerpt of the Ebike Future Conference 2019. más...


Market of Pedelecs Today - Part 1 - Wake up Potential

State of the global pedelec market and technology - where does it go? Market of pedelecs today - part 1. Wake up potential. Excerpt of the Ebike Future Conference 2019. más...


Automotive companies stop pedelec activities

Continental announced to pull out of the electric bike market. Hannes Neupert blames the pressure due to the switch to electric cars. Interview by Jack Oortwijn, Bike Europe. más...


Bicycle Monitor Germany 2019

Bicycle use continues to increase. Especially the pedelec is on the upswing. In 14 percent of German households there is at least one pedelec. más...


Latest survey of pedelec and pedelec drive system market developments

Preliminary results of a major survey of end users, dealers and manufacturers, plus trade show research on the market share of drive systems más...


Electric Bike Market Data - Germany - 1st half 2019

For the full year 2019, the industry expects more than 1.1 million vehicles sold. The electric bicycle continues its growth course in 2019. más...


Electric bike sales figures across Europe 2018

Super summers and subsidies in some countries lead to explosive pedelec sales across Europe. Sales figures and increase versus prior year. más...


Survey market development of pedelecs and drive systems

In 2019 the word "pedelec" will be 20 years. Nonetheless, the product itself is still very much in its infancy. The survey is still open for your participation. más...


Sales of E3 wheelers on a rise in India

Driven by low cost ownership and favourable Government policies, for the first time sales of Electric Rickshaws surpasses that of conventional ones in India. Switching to e-rickshaws has improved quality of life and earnings. más...


The virus of electronification threatens the mechanical bike

Mechanical bikes in danger of extinction. Sales plus for pedelecs. Sales minus for mechanical bikes. The electronification virus spreads irretrievably on the mechanical bikes. Lead market the Netherlands indicates what will happen everywhere. más...


Acting on Climate Change

E-Bike Africa Team More Determined Than Ever Despite Delay. By Susanne Brüsch, www.pedelec más...


Sand to Snow Pedelec Adventure traverses the Western USA

5,000 kilometers from Coastal California to Colorado Mountains. ExtraEnergy is media partner. más...


E-Bike Africa Expedition Successfully Accomplished First Leg

The world record setting E-Bike Africa expedition from Glasgow to Cape Town has successfully arrived in Paris, the destination of the tour‘s first leg. más...


E-Bike Africa

Expedition Starting in Glasgow on 19th November 2015. E-Bike Africa is a world record setting expedition from Glasgow to Cape Town. Explore the world without damaging the world. más...


China market for cheap electric bicycles in danger!

2013 annual production of 82 million conventional bicycles and 37 million electric two wheelers commonly electric scooters legalized as bicycles. más...


TAIPEI CYCLE d&i awards 2015

Registration to the TAIPEI CYCLE d&i awards 2015 will be open until 19 December 2014. más...


Chancellor Angela Merkel visited E-Bike Award participant

One of the submitted projects of the E-Bike Awards 2014 is  „e-mobility Rügen“. Angela Merkel visted the E-Bike Award participant on 16 May 2014. más...


3D Printed Mountain Bike Wheels

3D printed mountain bike wheels are produced quick and cost effective. The future of bike production. más...


LEVs - Global Market Trends and Standardization

Lectures of Hannes Neupert (Executive Director EnergyBus e.V.) and Prof. Sergio M. Savaresi (Politecnico di Milano) at China Cycle Show 2014. Free download now available. más...


Pedelec Café Lounge

Bike shop of a different kind. Originally, the idea of an electric bike café lounge is from Korea - an extremely successful new pedelec lifestyle concept. más...


USA Electric Bike Market Doubles in Last 12 Months

According to eCycleElectric, USA Ebike Market doubles over numbers published in Electric Bike WorldWide Reports for 2012. más...


Pedelec Adventures - Iceland Challenge

On June 17, 2013, the founders of Pedelec Adventures, specialized journalist Susanne Bruesch and expedition manager Ondra Veltrusky took off on their next expedition on electric bikes. más...


Cycling in Everyday Life - Europe-Wide Mobility Survey

In which European city is the percentage of cycling the highest? German cities take top positions. The ranking of the Traffic Club Austria (VCÖ) could be interpreted as indication for cities with higher demand for pedelecs. más...


Angela Merkel at Eurobike

Mobility on two wheels, e-bikes and city bikes are, after all, an important political topic. más...


Test rides: be convinced by pedelecs and e-bikes

To be convincing, new technologies need to be experienced. For electric vehicles, experience has shown that the test ride is the argument with the greatest persuasive power. más...


Pedelec riding is simply unimaginable!

You can grasp what a pedelec is intellectually but its essence can’t be imagined - only experienced. más...


The bike has been infected forever

Cycling enthusiasts have set themselves against it for many years, believing the bicycle to be one of the greatest engineering achievements of mankind, and immune to the electrification virus. más...


Information for mobility and safety

Availability of information and the possibility of accessing it almost anywhere via mobile data networks has already made its mark on our everyday mobility, and it will increasingly define and transform it. más...


Pedelecs: space-efficient to park

10 reasons why the pedelec will catch on as a form of transport. más...


Pedelecs: more mobility in less space

10 reasons why the pedelec will catch on as a form of transport. más...


Pedelecs: comfortable, cheap and faster

10 reasons why the pedelec will catch on as a form of transport. más...


Pedelecs: emissions saving

10 reasons why the pedelec will catch on as a form of transport. más...


Pedelecs: safe

10 reasons why the pedelec will catch on as a form of transport. más...


Pedelecs: mobility enhancing

10 reasons why the pedelec will catch on as a form of transport. más...


Pedelecs: health enhancing

10 reasons why the pedelec will catch on as a form of transport. más...


Pedelecs: energy efficient

10 reasons why the pedelec will catch on as a form of transport. más...


Pedelecs: sustainable

10 reasons why the pedelec will catch on as a form of transport. más...


Pedelecs: climate targets

10 reasons why the pedelec will catch on as a form of transport. más...


Market sectors with potential: The Bakfiets

Many people think of the bicycle as rather limited in transport capacity. But unnoticed by most of the population of Europe and many other regions worldwide, a very interesting new category of bike has been evolving. más...


Market sectors with potential: Kindergarten pedelec

Many people think of the bicycle as rather limited in transport capacity. But unnoticed by most of the population of Europe and many other regions worldwide, a very interesting new category of bike has been evolving. más...


Market sectors with potential: Velomobil

Many people think of the bicycle as rather limited in transport capacity. But unnoticed by most of the population of Europe and many other regions worldwide, a very interesting new category of bike has been evolving. más...


Market sectors with potential: XXL load carrying

Many people think of the bicycle as rather limited in transport capacity. But unnoticed by most of the population of Europe and many other regions worldwide, a very interesting new category of bike has been evolving. más...


Market sectors with potential: Fleet bikes

Many people think of the bicycle as rather limited in transport capacity. But unnoticed by most of the population of Europe and many other regions worldwide, a very interesting new category of bike has been evolving. más...


Market sectors with potential: hire pedelecs

Many people think of the bicycle as rather limited in transport capacity. But unnoticed by most of the population of Europe and many other regions worldwide, a very interesting new category of bike has been evolving. más...


The energy self sufficient pedelec

Or: what is really ecologically sustainable? Pedelecs could drive a drastic reduction in energy use, necessary for the transition to renewable energy. más...


Key pedelec data on energy and sustainability

Within the EU Go Pedelec! project, Thomas Lewis (Go Pedelec country manager, energieautark consulting GmbH) prepared a list of key pedelec data on energy and sustainability. más...


Pro.bici pedelec loans

Best Practice: Pedelecs for academics más...


Stuttgart Pedelecs

Best Practice: Pedelecs as municipal transport. más...



Best Practice: The company bike as motivation. más...


Pedelecs: a political View

Municipal decision-makers see pedelecs as an opportunity for cities. Significance of electric-assisted cargo bikes and potential in commuting traffic still underestimated. más...


Bosch Power versus Horse Power

Tour de Mongolia - across Mongolia by Pedelec. More information during the daily presentations at the ExtraEnergy stage at the ISPO BIKE fair in Munich. más...





ELMOS - Electric Mobility in smaller Cities

ELMOS is a new EU funded project promoting Pedelecs in the South Baltic area. ExtraEnergy ist associated partner and supports the project. más...


Tour d` E-Bike - Across Germany by Pedelec

1000 km across Germany from 21 to 29 July 2012. Application is still possible. The Tour d` E-Bike is about (...) más...


Eco Bike Design Contest 2012

€7,000 in prize money are offered for innovative projects involving an electrically assisted bicycle and a photovoltaic shelter to (...) más...


Wow Factor of E-Mobility

Since 1997, people test ride pedelecs on our Test IT Tracks worldwide, meanwhile with four Test IT Tracks throughout Europe. In January 2011, ExtraEnergy gave a new facelift to the Show. With the participation of renowned manufacturers including (...) más...


Increased competition of pedelec and e-bike systems

SEW Eurodrive and Brose announced their Joint Venture for e-mobility in February this year. At the IAA (International Automotive Exhibition) 2011 in Frankfurt SEW-Brose recently showed their first pedelec system. The JV is a member of the EnergyBus association, which introduced a standard for Light-Electric-Vehicles (LEVs) earlier this year. más...


e-Power at Schleizer Dreieck

The Schleizer Dreieck is a traditional race course for motorcyclists in Thuringia, Germany. From 13 to 15 May, the e-Power International Championship took place for the first time in Germany. A report from our Spanish correspondent Andrés Moreno. más...


Busy month for ExtraEnergy in Taiwan

Earlier this month the global bicycle industry assembled in Taiwan for its annual pre-season bash. ExtraEnergy was there and used the opportunity to stage a number of events. Among them the LEV Conference, announcement of the Pedelec Award winners and EnergyBus Workshop. Once again, the Test IT Track was a crowd-pleaser at the Taipei Cycle Show. más...


Plotting the Aging Path of Batteries

Dr. Frieder Herb, longstanding ExtraEnergy associate and member, concluded his doctoral studies on the aging of batteries and fuel cells at the university of Ulm in 2010. Thanks to his research it is now possible to predict the lifespan of pedelec and e-bike batteries. más...


ExtraEnergy to explore Spain

In cooperation with Andres Moreno, LEV insider and activist in Spain, ExtraEnergy is moving forward in the Spanish market. For summer 2011 a whole month of promotional activities are planned in Andalucia. Read more about the projects and challenges in a difficult but potentially large market. más...


New Pedelec Motors out of Europe

Several new bottom bracket motors will be released on the market soon. The first will be seen on a mountain bike of KTM, the second on pedelecs of the Swiss firm Tour de Suisse Rad AG and the third is rumoured to be developed by a big European automobile supplier. más...


Presto training in Poland focuses on Infrastructure

Sixty people from all over Poland participated in the first training session of the EU-funded Presto project "Promoting Cycling for Everyone as a Daily Transport Mode" in Tczew (Poland) on 26 and 27 February, Brussels-based European Two-wheeler Retailers' Association (ETRA) said today. más...


E-bike Sales in EU to Break 1 million Barrier in 2010

Electric bike sales experts Frank Jamerson and Ed Benjamin have updated their forecast for global electric bike sales in 2010, reports Brussels-based European Two-wheel Retailers' Association (ETRA). If this forecast is anything to go by, 2010 will be the year in which the European Union (EU) breaks through the magical one million sales barrier. más...


Pedelec, E-bike Batteries to Fall under BattG

The Environment Office (UBA) of Germany's federal government confirmed that the batteries of pedelecs and e-bikes are industrial batteries in terms of §8 of the country's new "Batterie Gesetz" (BattG). As such, they have to be disposed of in a special way. The BattG will be discussed in-depth at the upcoming LEV workshop in Aschaffenburg. más...


Germans Value Cycling more than Ever

With over 13 billion Euros turnover per year and 220,000 jobs, Germany's bicycle and bicycle-related sectors are significant (and growing) players in the country's economy. más...


ExtraEnergy to Go It Alone with New Magazine

The first issue of the ExtraEnergy Magazine will be published online and in print by e-bike test authority ExtraEnergy e.V. in March. Plans to publish the new magazine with Degen Media House were put on ice early in February, following conceptual and financial differences between the two parties. más...


ETRA publishes Guide for E-Bike Training

ETRA's Policy Guide for Electric Bicycles will be part of the study material of the PRESTO training courses, due to kick off in Poland later this month. más...


E-bike Shrugs off Cold on Transalp Epic

Two adventurer friends set off on an epic journey this morning. They want to cross the Alps on bikes in three days in the middle of one of the coldest European winters in a long time. One of them is on an e-bike and the other on a mountain bike, because they are out to prove today's lithium-ion batteries can withstand low temperatures - with a little help (see photo). más...


Calling Pedelec Manufacturers and Traders

An interesting opportunity has opened up for pedelec manufacturers and traders to build awareness for their brands (without spending a lot of money) in a part of Germany which promises to be a major e-mobility region in the near future. más...


Hysun3000: Art meets Transport of Tomorrow

The Hysun3000 is about the future. It was placed on the map by its inventors in 2004, when it completed a 3,000-kilometer long trip from Berlin to Barcelona. The light, 3-wheel vehicle was powered by fuel-cell technology and so proved that fuel cells function. Since then the Hysun3000 has gone from one exhibition to the next as a "strategy for the future". más...


Local Electricity Provider subsidizes Pedelecs

In a south-German town the local electricity provider and two local pedelec traders came up with a radical plan to promote the ownership and use of pedelecs in the local community: every buyer of a pedelec gets €250 in his hand. más...


Putting their Bottoms where Their Mouths are

Cycling is growing ever more popular among politicians in the EU parliament city of Brussels. One sign: Between 2004 and 2008 the number of cycle parking bays available to European Commission employees grew from 690 to 2,900. The European Two-wheeler Retailers' Association (ETRA) is using the opportunity to spread the news about electric bikes.  más...


Pedelecs reloaded

Industrial design students of the UAS Joanneum in Graz, Austria, engaged themselves intensively with the questions how pedelecs should look like in future and their market potential. Lecturer Lutz Kucher reports on the most pertinent questions investigated and a summary shows what the students created. más...


Entries closed for National Bike Rental Competition

Local authorities, communities and interest groups had until 17 June to enter their innovative plans for public bicycle renting in German cities in the National Public Bike Rental Competition of the Federal government. Now it's over to the judges. más...


Pedelecs accepted in Bike-to-Work Project

For the first time this year pedelecs will be part and parcel of the national "Mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit" project due to kick off on 1 June. ExtraEnergy is a co-sponsor of the Bavarian leg of the project, which calls on employees to go to work with their bikes, rather than cars. más... The Bike Killer of Schweinfurt

A visit to "professional bike breaker" in Schweinfurt revealed where the damaging forces are at work on bicycles. When it comes to electric bikes, these forces are even stronger. is currently developing a GS certificate for electric bikes in cooperation with ExtraEnergy and SLG.  más...


Light Electric Vehicle Association (LEVA) established

The global trade organization Light Electric Vehicle Association (LEVA) was established to pursue common goals and interests in the industry. The first organizational meeting will be held in Shanghai on May 3, 2009. más...


E-Wheels is Setting up Rental Network

Collect information on electric two-wheelers, rent them, buy them and talk about your experiences. This is the all-in-one concept of the new online platform, which the German company E-Wheels just started. más...



7 - 12 September 2021, IAA, Munich, Testtrack

all events...