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Si desea hacer donaciones a ExtraEnergy.

Cada vez  más son muchas las personas que nos contactan para preguntar de qué manera pueden apoyar el trabajo que realiza  ExtraEnergy, la organización sin fines de lucro quisiera hacer referencia a la posibilidad de recibir donaciones. Estas contribuyen activamente al crecimiento del uso de vehículos eléctricos livianos, los cuales a su vez  ayudan indirectamente a mejorar las condiciones de vida de muchos alrededor del mundo.



Quien es ExtraEnergy?

ExtraEnergy es una organización sin fines de lucro con  sede en Tanna, Alemania. El objetivo principal de sus actividades radica en difundir información independiente así como también  promover y poner a prueba la calidad y seguridad de vehículos eléctricos livianos (LEVS) alrededor del mundo. más...


ExtraEnergy and Greenfinder start pioneering cooperation

The combination of competences of ExtraEnergy and Greenfinder shall reliably lead all prospective costumers to the vehicles which are perfectly fitted to their wishes. más...


ExtraEnergy e.V. General Meeting in Kirchheim-Teck

On 14 July, the annual general meeting of ExtraEnergy took place in Kirchheim-Teck. más...


ExtraEnergy has a new Logo

ExtraEnergy polished its image for the Spring 2009 Test. Since Eurobike 2009, the new, modern logo has replaced the long-established sun logo for almost all ExtraEnergy projects.


Promising Future for Building with a Past

Anyone interested in the unique building of the former school in Tanna, could join a guided tour of the "Alte Schule" on 3 May. The vacant building has been a talking point in the local community, ever since Hannes Neupert suggested it should be renovated and used as a museum and training center for small electric vehicles. más...


ExtraEnergy Highlights 2008

The electric bike market has been vivid in 2008 and ExtraEnergy was among its main driving forces. Read on for a roundup of the highlights that will have a major impact on the further development of this emerging market. más...


ExtraEnergy aims Higher in 2009

The ExtraEnergy team is growing steadily and planning ambitious new projects. Not only will 2009 see the return of the TEST IT Tour, and a whole new test, ExtraEnergy will also support the “Mit dem Rad zur Arbeit” campaign in Bavaria. So, keep an eye on us. Many highlights lie ahead in 2009… más...


New Exhibition Displays: Elegant, Professional, Universal

The second generation of ExtraEnergy showcases comes up with artful and clever details and opens up entirely new opportunities for exhibitions. más...


15 Years of ExtraEnergy

More and more companies from a variety of industries, wholesale chains, investors, designers, and service providers around the world are looking into electric mobility and investing in their future there. ExtraEnergy has done this for 15 years. más...


The World's largest LEV Exhibition keeps growing

ExtraEnergy presents a unique collection of historical and current pedelecs, e-bikes, scooters, solar vehicles and components at their LEV Test and Exhibition Center in Tanna, Germany. más...


ExtraEnergy Annual Report 2003/04

A report on the current ExtraEnergy activities by the Board of Managers on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting on August 15, 2004 in Germany. más...


ExtraEnergy Organization Charter

ExtraEnergy is registered under the registration number VR 325 at the local court in Lobenstein, Germany. más...


The ExtraEnergy Team

The ExtraEnergy team has grown to over 50 employees, partners and foreign correspondents in Europe, USA and Asia. más...


Promotion Activities since 1993

ExtraEnergy has made it's reputation with product testing, exhibitions, the TEST IT promotion concept as well as races and conferences. más...


How ExtraEnergy is financed

As a non-profit trust ExtraEnergy is financed through it's services such as exhibitions, promotion events and product testing. Usually the participating manufacturers pay a share. más...


10 Years of ExtraEnergy – Memories

For it's 10 year anniversary ExtraEnergy welcomed more than 80 guests from all over Europe at it's headquarters in Tanna (Thuringia) on June 21 - 23rd, 2002. Alongside an entertaining programme, over 100 bikes and scooters were available for extended test rides. más...


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7 - 12 September 2021, IAA, Munich, Testtrack

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