| E-Vehicles at vivavelo Congress in Berlin |
vivavelo, the Congress of the bicycle sector, will take place on 22 and 23 Febuary 2010 in Berlin. Klaus Töpfer, a previous minister of the environment, will welcome Congress participants. ExtraEnergy will be present with a stand for e-vehicles, where workshops will be held on pedelecs, product and battery safety and new concepts. The Federal Environment Agency will be present at podium discussions. more...
| A2B: Concept for electric Lifestyle |
Norbert Haller,
head of design at Ultra Motor Ltd., looks back over more than 10 years of designing and developing new electric mobility concepts. The latest example of his individual, minimalist style is the A2B vehicle line of Ultra Motor. In an interview with ExtraEnergy, Haller explains the key challenges in LEV development from a design point of view. more...
| Pedelecs and E-Bikes Boom in Austria |
Austria turns to e-mobility. Initiatives and cooperations of politicians and players in the private sector are growing the market for e-vehicles. The city of Vienna promotes e-mobility with a subsidy on the purchase prices of pedelecs and e-bikes. Bike manufacturer KTM explores new avenues by cooperating with car manufacturer Opel. more...
| Review 2009: Dawn of a New Era |
What began in 2008 continued in 2009: Exotic two-wheelers became an everyday sight as pedelecs and e-bikes became ever more respected in Europe––by the media, trade and consumers. The latter group seems to be ready to switch to the new means of transport, which gives hope in times of climate crisis. The activities of ExtraEnergy also took on a new dimension in 2009. more...
| ADAC conducts Pedelec Test in Tanna |
In December ExtraEnergy was privileged to host special guests in Tanna: Three employees of the Allgemeinen Deutschen Automobil Club (ADAC) - all with the surname Müller (really!). They came to Tanna to test pedelecs. This is what happened… more...
| ExtraEnergy to Return to E-Scooter Testing in 2010 |
ExtraEnergy, the Tanna-based test authority known for its independent tests of pedelecs and e-bikes, will (for the first time since 2002) test e-scooters again next year and award the respected ExtraEnergy quality seals "Good" and "Very Good" to deserving e-scooters in the test. more...
| A Design to Replace Old-fashioned Granny Bike? |
The old-fashioned granny look of many city pedelecs on the market today, may be preventing (or at best, braking) the widespread acceptance of the product in the market. But, how should a city pedelec look to excite consumers and gain widespread acceptance? Hamburg-based product designer Michael Burger set out to answer that question in a 140-page dissertation for a degree in product design and came up with a fresh, alternative look. more...
| Committed: the Ruhrmobil-E Network |
The city of Bochum (population: 381,000) wants to become Germany's model city for e-mobility and is getting fantastic support towards this goal from a network of local organizations, individuals and businesses called ruhrmobil-E. The people of Bochum realizes, it's the early bird which catches the worm. more...
| Ever more EU States support Bikes with Tax Money |
Belgium, Holland and UK have been pushing the bicycle as a healthy and environment-friendly alternative to the car with tax breaks for long. Germany's national project "Mit dem Rad zur Arbeit" has been running for 11 years. In April Italy announced an original plan to promote bikes with tax money. Now there are appeals to Brussels for EU-wide tax incentives. more...
| Federal Government funds Pedelecs in Stuttgart |
As co-winner of the national competition "Innovative Public Bike Rental Schemes" of the German government, the city of Stuttgart will receive €2.7 million in federal funding for its initiative Call A Bike Pedelec, Wolfgang Tiefensee, federal minister of transport announced on 10 August 2009. more...
| Pedelec Showroom in Stuttgart takes Winter Break |
In the center of the automobile metropolis Stuttgart, ExtraEnergy operated a pedelec showroom over the summer months. Many people took the opportunity to experience the new face of mobility firsthand. Here, the ergonomic leg of the ExtraEnergy Autumn Test was also conducted on 3 and 4 October. more...
| IWM to Train Electric Bike Specialists |
The training institute IWM in Erfurt and ExtraEnergy are planning special training courses for electric bikes aimed at bicycle dealers and the unemployed. The Federal Employment Office might finance the training courses for bike dealers also. more...
| Where and How Will LEVs be Charged in Future? |
On March 16, 2009 LEV Conference was staged as part of Taipei Cycle Show. In the context of Taiwan's support programme for 160,000 electric scooters, public infrastructure was the major focus at the Conference. How will LEVs be charged in future? At home, at public charging stations, or will batteries be exchanged at vending machines? more...
| 2008 In Retrospect – A Turnabout in Electric Mobility |
The year 2008 marked a turnaround in Europe: The once belittled “Granny bikes” have finally ascended to the bike of choice for modern and eco-conscious person – and sold better than ever. Mass media, the shock of oil prices and the financial crisis have led to a rethink of mobility. more...
| Pedelecs Make Most Money |
Pedelecs and e-bikes reach the highest average price in the German bicycle trade. Customers pay for additional comfort and functions––a great chance for bicycle dealers. more...
| European LEV Market in Motion |
2005 has been a good year for the pedelec market in Europe. 2006 will be even better, but there will be risks. Read an interview with Hannes Neupert, President of ExtraEnergy, on the biggest information campaign in Europe ever. more...
| Photos: China Roads are full with E-Bikes |
In China, bicycles are the main means of transportation. Those who have an e-bike are proud of it. It's an upgrade on their way towards motorization. With more than 4 Million e-bikes sold last year, they are part of every day life in cities and counties. more...
| Electricity Company invests in 500 E-bikes |
Energie Baden-Württemberg (EnBW), Germany's third largest energy company, is now also operator of Germany's biggest fleet of electric 2-wheel vehicles. A 500-strong fleet of e-scooters and e-bikes was assembled for an ambituous research project due to start in Stuttgart on 1 July. more...
| Many see Pedelecs as Expensive - AOK research |
Research conducted by pedelec and e-bike test authority ExtraEnergy and the German medical insurance company AOK into the attitudes of cyclists towards pedelecs, revealed a major part of the cycling community perceived pedelecs as "expensive". Regardless of whether this perception reflects reality, or not, it might be braking market acceptance. more...
| Best Pedelecs Honored at Taipei Cycle Show |
The ExtraEnergy Pedelec Trophies were handed to the best pedelecs in the recent test at the Taipei Cycle Show today. ExtraEnergy honored six manufacturers for the outstanding products they developed in eight product categories. Read on to see which pedelecs won. more...
| Looking Ahead in 2011: a Sector in midst of Change |
The year 2010 was a very successful one for the LEV market and ExtraEnergy. And 2011 promises to be yet another big year for ExtraEnergy, with major plans and new projects in the pipeline. Among them: the first e-scooter test since 2002 and the first ExtraEnergy World Cup! more...
| Battery Test with Deutsche Post AG |
Documentation of the battery test that ExtraEnergy conducted in cooperation with Deutsche Post AG from 2002 to 2005. Batteries of different manufacturers were tested in daily mail delivery service using the delivery pedelecs of Deutsche Post AG. This test was the basis for the development of EnergyBus. more...
| Product Reports older than 2008 |
This is a collection of product reports that were published before 2008. Many of these vehicles are not in production any more or are now available with improved components and specifications. Some of them have remained concepts so far. more...