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Sand to Snow Pedelec Adventure traverses the Western USA

5,000 kilometers from Coastal California to Colorado Mountains. ExtraEnergy is media partner.

Offroad pedelecs carried Susanne Brüsch and her team 5,000 kilometers (3,100 miles) from Coastal California, through the high-tech forge of Silicon Valley, to the signal-free deserts and wilderness of the USA. They spent 180 hours in the saddle of their Haibike SDURO ePerformance bikes enjoying breathtaking scenery in some of the World’s most famous national parks. Braving burning heat, strong winds, heavy rain and freezing temperatures the crew made it from the lowest, driest and hottest point of the USA in Death Valley to the highest pass in the Rocky Mountains, steadily supported by the Yamaha drive system. In 10 weeks, they climbed a record-breaking total of 57,000 meters (187,000 feet) in elevation, survived 41°C (106°F) in the desert, crossed rivers, got stuck in mud and snow and rode big detours due to impassable mountain passes to finally reach the destination of the biggest Pedelec Adventure to date - Denver. 

More about the tour

>> www.pedelec-adventures





Copy: Susanne Brüsch
Picture: I Andreas Törpsch

Online publication: Angela Budde


22 July 2016



7 - 12 September 2021, IAA, Munich, Testtrack

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