In which European city is the percentage of cycling the highest? German cities take top positions. The ranking of the Traffic Club Austria (VCÖ) could be interpreted as indication for cities with higher demand for pedelecs.
The VCÖ (Traffic Club Austria) just published a Europe-wide mobility survey on the question: How much is the percentage of journeys that are cycled in everyday life in European cities?
German Cities Top Positions First place in the ranking is the Dutch town Houten with 44% daily journeys that are cycled. Not very surprising as the infrastructure planners of Houten focused on bicycle friendliness from the beginning.
So it's great news that the city of Oldenburg is already taking the second place with 43% and the city of Munster third place with 38% in the ranking of the listed European cities.
Unfortunately, the percentage of pedelecs 25 within these results was not published. Nevertheless, one may assume that these cities will have an increasing demand for pedelecs in the future. Because it is most likely that the next bike will be electrical instead of mechanical.
Mobility surveys of the towns - VCÖ 2013 Percentage of daily journeys that are cycled
Houten (NL): 44 % (48.000 inhabitants) Oldenburg (D): 43 % Münster (D): 38 %
Kopenhagen (DK): 35 % Leiden (NL): 33 % Groningen (NL): 31 %
Amsterdam (NL): 30 % Zwolle (NL): 30 % Bozen (I): 29 %
Apeldoorn (NL): 28 % Amersfoort (NL): 28 % Örebro (SWE): 28 %
Uppsala (SWE): 28 % Ferrara (I): 27 % Freiburg (D): 27 %
Cambridge (UK): 27 % Odense (DK): 27 % Göttingen (DE): 27 %
Lund (SWE): 26 % Harlem (NL): 26 % Enschede (NL): 26 %
Brügge (BEL): 25 % Bremen (D): 25 % Heidelberg (D): 25 %
Zanstaad (NL): 25 % Nijmegen (NL): 24 % Innsbruck (A): 23 %
Eindhoven(NL): 23 % Tilburg (NL): 23 % Antwerpen (BEL): 23 %
Malmö (SWE): 23 % Cottbus (D): 22 % Oulu (FIN): 21 %
Vantaa (FIN): 21 % Kiel (D) 21 % Utrecht (NL): 21 %
Rostock (D): 20 % Basel (CH): 20 % Bregenz (A): 19 %
Graz (A): 17-19 % Salzburg (A): 17-19 % Parma (I): 19 %
München (D): 17 % Klagenfurt (A): 17 % Dresden (D): 16 %
Rotterdam (NL): 16 % Frankfurt am Main (D): 14 % Straßburg (F): 15 %
Bristol (UK): 14 % Berlin (D): 13 % Hamburg (D): 12 %
Bern (CH): 11 % Laibach (SLO): 10 % Dublin (IR): 8 %
Zürich (CH): 8 % Helsinki (FIN): 7 % Wien (A): 6 %
Brüssel (BEL): 5 % Oslo (NOR): 5 % Tallinn (Estland): 4 %
Breslau (POL): 4 % Paris (F): 3 %
Text and picture: Angela Budde
11 June 2013