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Pedelecs: more mobility in less space

10 reasons why the pedelec will catch on as a form of transport.

2. More mobility in less space

Pedelecs offer much mobility but take little road space, be- cause they allow people to keep up an even and matching pace largely irrespective of gradients or headwinds. They use the available road space more efficiently while still allowing riders to cover similar distances to typical car journeys in town and in rural local transport.

1. Space-efficient to park

3. Comfortable, cheap and faster

4. Emissions saving

5. Safe

6. Mobility enhancing

7. Health enhancing

8. Energy efficient

9. Sustainable

10. Climate targets

These reasons have been compiled together among the Go Pedelec consortium and are listed in order of importance from a municipal point of view. Within the Go Pedelec! consortium the municipalities or organizations of the following cities are represented: Naples (IT), Graz (AT), Miskolc (HU), Stuttgart (de) and Utrecht (NL).

Copy: Hannes Neupert, Antje Hopf, prepared within the EU GoPedelec! project: GoPedelec! Handbook (German version)

>> Go Pedelec! Handbook in Czech, Dutch, English, Hungarian, and Italian

Translation: Peter Eland (

Picture: Hannes Neupert

Online release: Angela Budde

6 December 2012



7 - 12 September 2021, IAA, Munich, Testtrack

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