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Key Technologies for LEVs - Part 1

State of the global pedelec market and technology - where does it go? Key technologies for LEVs which will drive the next 10 years of innovation - part 1. Excerpt of the Ebike Future Conference 2019.

On 26th November 2019, Hannes Neupert, Chairman ExtraEnergy e.V./Executive Director EnergyBus e.V., talked online at the "Ebike Future Conference".  

Topic: State of the global pedelec market and technology - where does it go? 


  • Self introduction
  • Market of pedelecs today
  • Market drivers in the past*
  • Market drivers today*
  • Key technologies for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) which will drive the next 10 years of innovation!
  • Disruptors? Who will become the "Elon of the Pedelecs"?
Watch part 1 of "Key technologies for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) which will drive the next 10 years of innovation!":

>> Key technologies for LEVs - part 1 (vimeo)

Key technologies for LEVs
"What we will see the next 10 years is not enough. Also in the 90s I thought that everything would go much faster. Many things take too much time.

Here is a chart wich I made in 2012. It compares things that may be are not comparable: I compared the developement of the phone with the developement of the electric bicycle/pedelec.

Stage 1
You can see here at stage 1: drawings and ideas

Stage 2
Later, we had the phone which you have to move manually and its connected to an analogue connection point and you have people actually physically connecting cables.

The first elcetric bicycle - Philips - is actually a motorcycle with throttle, motor and parallel you can pedal. 

Stage 3
The phone is already made out of plastic and more comfortable. You can dial directly by yourself. You don´t need a person behind it. 

The bicycle has already a two-stage-automatic drive from 1973. 

Stage 4
A big step: You have a telephone without a cable. 

And you have an electric bicycle without a throttle by Yamaha in 1992 - the first pedelec.

Stage 5
You have a much smaller cell phone which is more easy to carry. 

Like the prototype Sparta Ion from 2001/2002 (the battery was integrated in the frame).

Both equipped with Nickel chemistry.

Stage 6
The Motorola Brick already fits into a small handbag. 

The Smart Pedelec looks quite good - well integrated.

Stage 7

In 2017, we get more compact, more easy to purchase pedelecs. 

In Germany, there was the "1 percent rule", which means you can buy a pedelec through small amounts of payments and you get also government substitutes. 

This was like in the middle to late 90s when most cell phone providers who give you the cell phone hide the cost of the cell phone in the monthly charges.

This was a big driver for adaption. Its cheap to get it but its still very expensive to call. When you have it you use it and you find the money to pay for and you get addicted to it. 

Stage 8
In 2007 the iPhone came into the market. The iPhone was something crazy. Most people didn´t get it.

And I predict in 2022, with the digital drive, everything is possible. A smartphone can have only a standard technology, a platform can have many things.

So far, electric bikes are very limited to the physical hardware. Its like the buttons on a nokia phone. You can not type easily Chinese on it.  With a smartphone its much easier because you can have all kinds of surface."

Ebike Future Conference
The full video of Hannes Neupert`s speach and all other conference videos are now available at the conference website: 

>> Ebike Future Conference

*only available at

>> Market of Pedelecs today - Part 3

>> Key Technologies for LEVs - Part 2

Video recording and lecturing: Hannes Neupert 

Online publication: Angela Budde 

Picture: Video screenshot  

8th January 2020

Last update: 14th January 2020




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