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Bicycle Monitor Germany 2019

Bicycle use continues to increase. Especially the pedelec is on the upswing. In 14 percent of German households there is at least one pedelec.

Every two years, the bicycle monitor gives a representative picture of the subjective mood of cyclists in Germany.

In 2019, 3,053 citizens between the ages of 14 and 69 were interviewed by Sinus Markt- und Sozialforschung GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport.

The bicycle monitor is funded by the BMVI as part of the National Cycling Plan 2020.

Read the result of the online survey, as of September 30, 2019 (in German language):

>> Fahrrad-Monitor Deutschland 2019 

Pedelecs very popular
The pedelec "... is the most popular mode of transport." According to the results of the online survey: "83% of pedelec-travelers like to use a pedelec."
"In addition, the pedelec lands at No. 1 of the bicycle types, which the potential bicycle buyers in Germany want to buy as the next model.
42% of potential buyers intend to buy a pedelec in the next 12 months (= 13% of people in Germany), 2nd place: conventional bike 32% (10% of the population, 3rd place: mountain bike 22% (7% of the population) ,
14% of households in Germany already have a pedelec.
In general, bicycles are widespread: 76% of households have at least one bicycle (without electrical assistance). "
Cars less popular
According to the BMVI: "The car is used less frequently and also loses popularit.
Nevertheless, it is and remains the most frequently used means of transport in Germany" According to the Bicycle Monitor 2019: "61% of Germans regularly use a car (daily or weekly use of the car in 2017: 64%, 2015: 70%)."
Most urgent demands of respondents to the policy:

  • Build more cycle paths (60 percent)

  • Better separation of cyclists from car travelers (53 percent) and pedestrians (45 percent)

  • Set up more protective and cycling lanes (44 percent)

  • Safe bicycle parking facilities (44 percent)

  • Set up more bicycle lanes (43 percent)

Picture: Michael Burger 

Online publication and translation: Angela Budde 

30th October 2019



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