President of ExtraEnergy e.V. Hannes Neupert Consulting Germany
Born in 1973 in Stuttgart, Germany Staff Editor: Please tell us something about your career and profession. Hannes Neupert: School education in print and graphic art Stuttgart, University Halle (Germany) Industrial Design. Since 1992 leader of the ExtraEnergy project, since 1996 President of the ExtraEnergy organization. Since 2001 work as freelance consultant in the LEV area. Since 2003 external project manager for battery selection at Deutsche Post AG/DHL Express for LEV application. SE: When and how did you get involved in LEVs? HN: In 1982, I first read about a solar vehicle in Australia and developed a high interest in renewable energy. In 1985 I build my first LEV and took part in several solar vehicle races in the 80s and early 90s in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Spain, USA, Japan and Australia. I became co-founder of several solar vehicle organizations in the 80s.
In 1990 I started focusing on muscle-electric mobility and working on product tests and exhibitions since 1992. Since 1995 ExtraEnergy has been the largest exhibitor at IFMA Cologne and responsible for the LEV section. Since 1992 I have organized or participated in more than 200 LEV events around the globe, such as exhibitions, seminars, test-tracks and others.
SE: What is your personal motivation to work in LEVs? HN: Due to my belief I have focused on my contribution towards the next generation early. I have found my field in the LEV promotion to support the market growth as well as in product development. I believe that muscle-electric vehicles will play a maior role in the future of the world helping to improve some of the major issues the human race is facing: a shift towards renewable energy, traffic congestion in dense urban areas as well as the general lack of exercise in the industrialized countries. Contact information: ExtraEnergy e.V. Koskauer Str 98 07922 Tanna Germany Languages: German and English Last updated: March 18, 2007