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Prizewinning projects using EnergyBus Energy Management

The projects "Charge & Lock Cable for Pedelecs" and "elros - Electric mobility for Rostock" prizewinning at the E-Bike Award 2014 at INTERMOT in Cologne.

The pedelec infrastructure projects "elros - Electric mobility for Rostock" and "Charge & Lock Cable for Pedelecs" were awarded fourth place at this year's E-Bike Award ceremony. Both projects are using the EnergyBus communications interface.

elros - Electric mobility for Rostock

elros is an EnergyBus compatible fully automated pedelec rental system in Rostock, Germany. Since 6 June 2014, "elros" is launched. Under the slogan “Hin und weg mit Pedelec”, pedelecs are offered to interested users. The project is run within the EU-fundet project ELMOS (Electric Mobility in Smaller Cities). The award was handed over to M.Sc. Janette Heidenreich (Project manager of the pilot projects elros/Team mobility Management/Rostocker Straßenbahn AG)

For further information, please read the following articles:

>> Brochure - Case study ELMOS in Rostock

>> elros Pedelec rental scheme launched

Charge & Lock Cable for Pedelecs
The project "Charge & Lock Cable for Pedelecs" combines the functions of charging & locking in one single product – the Charge & Lock Cable. With the EnergyBus communications interface, hire systems are no longer tied to a single manufacturer. The award was handed over to Michael Götz (Product Development Manager/Tegernseer Tal Tourismus GmbH)

For further information, please read the following article:

>> EnergyBus CiA 454

About the Charging Infrastructure EnergyBus Pilot Scheme:

>> www.lade-infrastruktur.org

Text & translation: Angela Budde
Picture: Jörg Mettlach/RWE

10 October 2014

Last update: 13 October 2014



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