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EnergyBus on the Political Level

EnergyBus got the official confirmation to mirror the IEC/ISO activities on standardization on a political level for the next eight years.

The Executive Committee of the Implementing Agreement of the International Energy Agency has now confirmed that EnergyBus will have an eight years task to mirror the IEC/ISO activities on standardization on a political level.

The initial countries which did join this task are Spain and Germany. EnergyBus is represented by Hannes Neupert. The co-chair of Hannes Neupert is Carlo Mol of the VITO Research Organization in Belgium.

Several countries will join in as well. Clear interest was expressed by Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, Dennmark and Switzerland.
Hannes Neupert who is personal founding member and treasuerer of EnergyBus: "This is a very good base to get the EnergyBus Charge & Lock Cable embedded on a political level as well."

Light-Electric-Vehicle Parking And Charging Infrastructure
Download for free - updated proposal for the new task
"Light-Electric-Vehicle Parking And Charging Infrastructure" which Hannes Neupert reported to the ExCo at Barcelona on 14 November 2013:

>> Light-Electric-Vehicle Parking And Charging Infrastructure (PDF)

>> Photo gallery (flickr)

Further information at:


Media Response


Text and picture: EnergyBus e.V.

3 December 2013
Last update: 22 January 2014



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