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EnergyBus for more Functionality

EnergyBus is a new standard to improve communication between electrical components in LEVs. The organization behind is EnergyBus e.V. Become a member and secure your business advantage. Info and application here.

EnergyBus communciation protocol and an appendant plug system are currently under development. To support the development and market introduction, the EnergyBus Organization has been founded in March 2007.

EnergyBus will improve functionality and user options of LEVs and allow lower cost. Less time and money will have to be invested into development. As a result product variety in the market place will grow, so will competition.

EnergyBus Organization
Membership: Info and application
Foundation: Report, members, goals

EnergyBus day at LEV Conference 2007
March 20, 2007, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Summary, photos, overview of all lectures
Conference Proceedings EnergyBus

Last updated: July 19, 2007



7 - 12 September 2021, IAA, Munich, Testtrack

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