| Test 2015/16: ExtraEnergy Magazine no. 13 |
Issue 13 of the ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Magazine is in English and German, and includes 26 detailed test reports and results. Find your perfect pedelec via the product categories. But don’t forget to take a thorough test ride before you buy. more...
| ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Magazine Issue 12 |
Issue 12 of the ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Magazine is in English, German and Chinese, and includes 14 detailed test reports and results. Feature highlights include series hybrid pedelecs, youth pedelecs, sound for pedelecs and LEV components. more...
| Test 2014/15: Pedelec and E-Bike Magazin no. 11 |
The ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Magazine no. 11 in English, German and Chinese. Including 26 detailed test results. The key-issues are on off-road pedelecs, prototypes, pre-production bikes on test and LEV components. more...
| Test 2007: The Results |
In 2007, seven pedelecs were tested. All test results of the 2006 test have been updated and are included in the latest test report. more...
| First Fast Pedelec Legal in the EU |
The first pedelec faster than 25 km/h has been type approved in Germany and is now legal in all EU Member States. The Swizzbee 50C can be used without helmet in most countries.