EnergyBus at LEV Components Special Exhibition worldwide.
Visit EnergyBus worldwide at the most important trade fairs.
Exhibitions in 2014 are: Taipei Cycle Show/Taiwan, CeBIT/Germany, China Cycle Show/China, Battery Conference/Germany, VivaVelo Conference/Germany, EUROBIKE/Germany, INTERMOT/Germany, eBikeTec/Germany and Challenge Bibendum/China.
Tel.: +493664621068
>> EnergyBus profile in ExtraEnergy Magazine (issuu)
>> Products in ExtraEnergy Magazine (issuu)
About EnergyBus e.V. The EnergyBus Association was founded in 2002 after Deutsche Post/DHL expressed their wish to buy a universal, manufacturer non-specific charger for the batteries of cargo pedelecs.
Today the EnergyBus Association is based in Germany but is active internationally, with members from Canada, the USA, Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Turkey, Austria, Switzerland, Germany and France.
The EnergyBus Association aims to create a sustainable ecosystem for its members products and so to promote sustained market growth.
EnergyBus standards, created collaboratively with members, will be incorporated into international harmonization standards under the framework of the IEC/ISO Joint Working Group.
The EnergyBus Association is a democratic organization: anyone is welcome as a member provided that they follow its founding objectives.
About the LEV Components Special Exhibition The LEV Components Special Exhibition is an easy way to get a quick overview on LEV components offered by suppliers from all over the world.
In 2014, the LEV Components Special Exhibition has been shown at Taipei Cycle Show/Taiwan, CeBIT/Germany, China Cycle Show/China, Battery Conference/Germany, and VivaVelo Conference/Germany. Upcoming shows are EUROBIKE/Germany, INTERMOT/Germany, eBikeTec/Germany and Challenge Bibendum/China.
How to participate
Potential exhibitors interested in participating at trade shows can receive further details and booking conditions from Isabel Wolf (Project Coordinator, LEV Components Special Exhibition) at:
>> Details and booking form (PDF)
Please find further background information on the LEV Components Special Exhibition here:
>> LEV Components Special Exhibition - World Premiere
LEV Components Special Exhibition at EUROBIKE 2014 on Facebook:
>> EUROBIKE: LEV Components Special Exhibition
Text: ExtraEnergy Services GmbH & Co. KG, EnergyBus e.V.. The product information is the respective company´s own and does not necessarily represent ExtraEnergy´s editorial policy.
Picture: EnergyBus e.V.
18 August 2014