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EnergyBus – more functions, reduced costs

EUROBIKE, 28 August 2014. Lectures on EnergyBus – more functions, reduced costs. Downloads now available.

Several developers in the bicycle industry believe that EnergyBus communication means price increases for components. But they forget that on the other hand it will significantly reduce development time and costs when many EnergyBus compatible components are available on the market.

EnergyBus was first introduced at the Taipei Cycle Show in 2004. Now, ten years later, the research and development phase has ended and the industrialization is happening – even if this is not yet clearly recognized by many members of the bicycle industry.

The speakers in this talk will gave insights into the industrialization process and explained how to implement EnergyBus into your product easily, and how to use it to save time and money.

Hannes Neupert, Founder and President, ExtraEnergy e.V./Executive Director EnergyBus e.V.
Johannes Dörndorfer, Managing Director and Head of Development, ROPA engineering GmbH
Torsten Gedenk, General Manager, emtas GmbH

HN: "I would say, after 10 years theoratical work, it is going to be very practical."

TG: "My background is developing software for communication protocol. emtas software components help you to implement EnergyBus."

H.N: "EnergyBus is just a name for a communication language. Something like English for machines. Many people considered that CAN Bus is too expensive. But I believe it will have more functions for less money. The whole industry accepts some kind of standardized interfaces. So EB is the way to go to reduce the costs with more functions. Why should we have to buy with every pedelec we get a different charger? Today, you have to take the charger you get with the pedelec. We believe you can have with the same or less cost a charger with more functions. The feature is theft protection. Today, it is almost impossible. So, if someone steels your product, the product will immediality turn angry and become unusable."

Audience: What is the perspective in the future?

JD: "The solar industry is in the same situation as the LEV industry, this means that there is no communication protocol. So, we open up our protocol for power grit plants."

H.N: "If we have a standard battery, this could make it much cheaper to operate and may be in the winter time you can use the battery of your lawn mover in your photovoltaic device, this will be much easier."

TG: "It is a specification already, you do not have to define your own specification. It is based on CANopen and there are training sessions for EnergyBus available so it is much easier than to find an own solution."


ropa engineering GmbH:
>> EnergyTube (PDF)

>> ropa Evolution (PDF)

For further information, please visit:


emtas GmbH:

>> emtas German version (PDF)

>> emtas English version (PDF)

For further information, please visit:


Impressions on the LEV Components Special Exhibition:

>> photo gallery (flickr)

LEV Components Special Exhibition at EUROBIKE on Facebook:


Text and picture: ExtraEnergy Services GmbH & Co. KG

28 July 2014
Last update: 17 September 2014



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