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Pedelec and E-Bike Test Autumn 2011

The next ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Test will start on October 3rd 2011. Manufacturers can now join and register their vehicles until October 1st. The Ergonomic Test will be from October 20th to the 23rd. ExtraEnergy offers free accommodation to the first 15 registered volunteers.

The ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Test is composed of 4 different tests. The Riding Tests take place on an outdoor test track to get an accurate picture of the vehicle on an every day use. They are conducted with an unique and special developed measuring technology. The parameter distance, support, efficiency of the drive, average speed etc. are determined for tour, hill and urban track.
The Ergonomic Test evaluates every day and intuitive use by a minimum of 20 volunteers.
The laboratory tests are optional. They are carried out by ExtraEnergy`s partner labs velotech and SLG GmbH. Velotech tests the vehicles` mechanical safety. Electrical safety is tested in the SLG laboratory. Manufacturers who are interested in acquiring the GS seal can order the check additionally.

Riding Test
The Riding Tests will be conducted from October 3rd to 15th in Tanna. All relevant data is gathered on an outdoor track, specifically selected for the test. During the testrides all data are recorded with a specially developed measurement technology. The track consists of different subsections which simulate the different aspects of every day bike use.
>> Vehicle registration (for manufacturers / retail traders) (PDF)

About 7 volunteer test riders are required for the Riding Test. For the autumn test 2011 there are already 7 test riders registered. Further interested test riders are warmly welcome to attend the Ergonomic Test.

Ergonomic Test
The Ergonomic Test checks daily and intuitive use of the participating pedelecs and e-bikes. It takes place from October 20th to 23rd. Every day starting at 10:00 am and finishing at 6:00 pm at ExtraEnergy`s headquarters in Tanna. The Ergonomic Test can be a mass test with a group of at least 100 testers. For the first time, the amount of testers is reduced to a minimum of 20 volunteers who will evaluate performancy, comfort level and suitability of the bikes. As a part of the test, we ask participants to complete a questionary in order to evaluate their experience and opinion.

ExtraEnergy offers free accommodation to the first 15 registered volunteers. Precondition: Every volunteer has to judge each participating vehicle. Anyone can take part.
>> Participation notification Ergonomic Test (E-mail)

Opend Day at ExtraEnergy
On October 20th, media and visitors are warmly welcome to see and to take part in the Ergonomic Test. In addition, guided tours of the light electric vehicle (LEV) museum in Tanna will be offered by Hannes Neupert (President of ExtraEnergy).
>> Registration for Open Day (E-mail)

Security Tests and GS Seal
Since 2009, ExtraEnergy co-operates with the laboratories and SLG. From November to December, these labs are ready to inspect the vehicles to ensure mechanical and electrical safety.

In spring 2012, the test results will be published in ExtraEnergy and other media online and in print. ExtraEnergy secured a cooperation with the magazine „E-Bike“, published by Delius Klasing, with a print-run of min. 60000. The ExtraEnergy magazine reaches downloads of at least 40000.

The Test at a single glance
Riding Test: October 3rd - 15th 2011
>> Vehicle registration (for manufacturers / retail traders) (PDF)

Open Day: October 20th 2011
Time: 10 am - 6 pm
>> Registration for Open Day (E-mail)

Ergonomic Test: October 20th - 23rd 2011
Time: 10 am - 6 pm
>> Participation notification Ergonomic Test (E-mail)

>> Arrival and Contact

Copy: Angela Budde
Picture: Susanne Brüsch

17 September 2011



7 - 12 September 2021, IAA, Munich, Testtrack

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