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ExtraEnergy at Taipei International Cycle Show 2013

Press releases on ExtraEnergy activities at Taipei International Cycle Show 2013.

Press releases:

>> PI 130314


>> PI 130228 (PDF)

Press photos:
>> Download-Link Press photo 5760x3840 Pixel (4.791 KB)

MTB with GreenTrans Power Kit, photo: GreenTrans

>> Download-Link press photo 2126x1417 Pixel (1.564 KB)

Golden Wheel SPIRIT, photo: Golden Wheel

PI 130228
Highlights Taipei International Cycle Show 2013

From 20 to 23 March 2013, high-class electric bikes offer test rides at the ExtraEnergy Test IT Track in Nangang Exhibition Hall, Cargo Ramp, 4F. EnergyBus presents the charging infrastructure pilot scheme as well as the latest news about the EnergyBus standard in Nangang Exhibition Hall, 4F, exhibits entrance N.

Following the motto "a pedelec can’t be imagined - only experienced" ExtraEnergy invites to test ride Pedelecs/E-Bikes at the ExtraEnergy Test IT Track at Taipei International Cycle Show 2013.

The Taipei Cycle Show takes place from 20 to 23 March 2013. Manufacturers can register until 1 March 2013!

GreenTrans at Test IT Track in Taipei
GreenTrans e-bikes with the GreenTrans Power Kit are part of the ExtraEnergy Test IT Track at Taipei International Cycle Show 2013. “When customers first ride on the GreenTrans kit e-bike, they are very surprised on the instant and strong assisted power output, the noise of motor is so low, while the booster will not be intermittent paused with the rotation of the pedaling. Especially when climbing uphill, the rider can be easily uphill almost without strong step”, informs the company.

GreenTrans Rear-Wheel Driving Motor

GreenTrans rear-wheel driving motor is with power regeneration function. As long as the display is set on regeneration mode, the motor will convert and restore energy back to battery, the electric capacity of battery is extended accordingly. The special advantage is more applicable to sports e-bike.

Suitable for E-MTB, E-Trekking Bike and Sports E-Bike

GreenTrans has developed 36V and 48V kit systems, which provide multiple choices to customers, they are suitable for e-MTB, e-Trekking bike and sports e-bike. Besides, GreenTrans also showcases the newly developed central motor with embedded GreenTrans torque sensor and with more power output.

New E-bikes in 2013

GreenTrans is aiming to launch new e-bikes on the market in 2013.

>> www.greentrans-eu.com

Golden Wheel Electric Bikes at Test IT Track in Taipei
The Golden Wheel Europe company is going to present e-totem pedelecs at Taipei Cycle 2013. New models 2013 will be possible to test on the ExtraEnergy TEST IT TRACK.

Golden Wheel Europe, s.r.o. is a distribution company for e-totem pedelecs, e-bikes and conversion kits, which are produced in Tianjin Golden Wheel Bicycle Group based in China and which is one of the biggest bicycles manufacturers in China. Golden Wheel Europe is located in the Czech Republic. There are situated Head office, R&D, warehouse and service center. Golden Wheel Europe, s.r.o. is a joint venture of Agentura Repro (Czech Republic) and Tianjin Golden Wheel Bicycle Group (China). Advantage of cooperation with Golden Wheel Europe, s.r.o. are: availability of whole model range either FOB CHINA or EXW CZECH all according EPAC standards, training & customer service, sharing of new R&D ideas and price variability from cheapest models to high end highly demanded central motors ebikes.

In 2013, the latest generation of Golden Wheel Electric Bikes will be part of the ExtraEnergy Test IT Track in Taipei. The new electric bikes which visitors can test ride at the Test IT Track are: ADRENALIN, CORTINA, ROCKET and SPIRIT.

>> www.e-totem.org

>> www.e-totem.cz

ropa engineering - EnergyBus compliant Electric Drive Unit
The ropa pedelec drive unifies the advantages of a mid-engine with the preferences of a wheel hub motor trough combining electro drive, crank drive and electronic gear. This gives engineers the ability to drop the mostly overcharged standard bike parts like hifts, shift cables, controlling components and the mechanical back wheel brake. Because of this overcharging problem they are often the limiting factor. Additionally, there is a high documentation and communication level between motor control, battery, charger, control panel, mobile devices, software applications and server systems.

For more information, please visit ropa engineering at Taipei International Cycle Show, Nangang Exhibition Hall, 4F, Exhibits Entrance N

>> ropa-engineering.com

Test IT Track at Taipei International Cycle Show 2013

The Test IT Track starts in the main hall of Nangang Exhibition center and features a 100 m slope. Participating pedelecs/e-bikes will be tested by hundreds of visitors during the show.

Last minute registration until 1 March 2013!
Registration is simply and easy. Just send your request to Ms. Angela Budde to receive the registration form.

Email: Angela.Budde@ExtraEnergy.org

About ExtraEnergy e.V.
ExtraEnergy e.V. is a nongovernmental organization (NGO), headquartered in Tanna, Germany. Since 1992, ExtraEnergy`s goal is to grow the Light-Electric-Vehicle (LEV) industry. Promotion through test-ride events, information, conferences and testing is at the core of the organizsation`s actions. With the e-mobilty hype in full swing, you just have to reap the fruits.

Please find further information at:

Text: Angela Budde (ExtraEnergy e.V.)


>> PI 130204 (PDF)

>> press photo 4000x6000 Pixel (3.349 KB)

ExtraEnergy Pedelec Award Zeremony on 21 March 2013 in Taipei, photo: Angela Budde (www.ExtraEnergy.org)

Press release PI 130204:
Pedelec Award Ceremony in Taipei

ExtraEnergy honors best pedelecs in Taiwan – Last minute Check-In at Test IT Track

On 21 March 2013, the award winners of the ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Test will be honored at Taipei International Cycle Show. The test results will be released in March 2013. Until then, ExtraEnergy will keep the results TOP SECRET. Manufacturers can benefit from the persuasive power of test rides at the ExtraEnergy Test IT Track at Nangang Exhibition center.

In cooperation with CYCLING & HEALTH TECH INDUSTRY R & D CENTER ExtraEnergy is organizing the Pedelec Award Ceremony on 21 March 2013. The winners of the ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike Test autumn 2012 are awarded their well-earned trophies. The best pedelecs, including product categories such as business, easy, wellness or tour pedelecs will be honored. Interested parties are cordially invited to stop by at the Conference room 402 of the Nangang Exhibition Hall at 15:30 p.m.

Admission is free, anyone is invited.

For the first time, the winners of the ExtraEnergy Pedelec and E-Bike test will be published in the issue 1/2013 of the magazine ElektroBIKE in addition to the ExtraEnergy Magazine which will be released at www.ExtraEnergy.org in English and German language.

Test IT Track at Taipei Cycle Show 2013
The ExtraEnergy Test IT Track starts in the main hall of Nangang Exhibition center and features a 100 m slope. Manufacturers can register their vehicles now. First come, first serve.

Registration is simply and easy. Just send your request to Ms. Angela Budde to receive the registration form.

Email: Angela.Budde(at)ExtraEnergy.org

About ExtraEnergy e.V.
ExtraEnergy e.V. is a nongovernmental organization (NGO), headquartered in Tanna, Germany. Since 1992, ExtraEnergy`s goal is to grow the Light-Electric-Vehicle (LEV) industry. Promotion through test-ride events, information, conferences and testing is at the core of the organization`s actions. With the e-mobility hype in full swing, you just have to reap the fruits.

About Taipei International Cycle Show
The Taipei International Cycle Show is one of Asia`s largest trade cycle shows, organized by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). The show exhibits complete bicycles, bicycle parts, bicycle accessories and LEVs. This year, it is the show`s 26th anniversary.
In 2012, the Taipei International Cycle Show attracted a record of 6,397 international visitors. The int`l visitors from China (including HK) is on the top of the 10 countries by overseas visitors. It is followed by Japan, the USA, South Korea, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, France and UK.
1,092 manufacturers from 36 countries, including Taiwan, Germany, Italy, Holland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Japan exhibited in 2012.

Please find further information at:

Text: Angela Budde (ExtraEnergy e.V.)

For immediate release – please send a copy!


>> PI 130109

>> Press photo (2727x1625 Pixel (4.266 KB)) JPG

PI 130109
ExtraEnergy Test IT Track at Taipei International Cycle Show 2013

You can grasp what a pedelec is intellectually but its essence can´t be imagined - only experienced. Register now and benefit from the persuasive power of test rides.

Since 1997, ExtraEnergy e.V. is organizing Test IT Tracks at events all over the world. Experience has shown that test ride is the argument with the greatest persuasive power for electric vehicles.

Pedelec riding is simply unimaginable!
Many people have experience of motorbikes, but it’s still hard to imagine what it feels like to ride a pedelec. Most people think it’ll be a little like motorbike riding, but actually the magic is in the coupling of the motor power with muscle power. Car drivers could perhaps compare it with the feeling of power steering or using brakes with servo assist. You feel as if you’re steering and braking all by yourself, but in fact most of the force is applied by the servo system. It’s the same on a pedelec, so the satisfying feeling of having climbed a hill yourself remains, it’s just easier.

The German inventor Egon Gelhard invented and patented the pedelec principle in 1982. Unfortunately he could not find a cycle manufacturer willing to implement his ideas in a product. To be fair, at that time this would have been extremely difficult, because digital motor control and sensor technology were still at early stages of development, and could not have been manufactured at an acceptable price. So it took another ten years until the Japanese motorbike maker Yamaha developed the first pedelec, and launched it onto the Japanese market in 1993. Yamaha understood that with the pedelec they were dealing with a new category of vehicle which only intuitively had anything in common with bikes and motorbikes.

This was the only way in which the market could have developed continuously so that the pedelec is today made in numbers which exceed all other motorised two-wheelers. In 2011, 430,000 pedelecs were sold in Japan, against 257,000 motorbikes up to 50 cc and 148,000 motorbikes over 50 cc. Japan can be seen as a model for markets such as Europe, because, similarly, ongoing market development only occurs because of the product benefits, and from people experiencing these product benefits for themselves.

Test IT Track at Taipei International Cycle Show 2013
The Test IT Track starts in the main hall of Nangang Exhibition center and features a 100 m slope. Participating pedelecs/e-bikes will be tested by hundreds of visitors during the show.

Manufacturers can register now and benefit from the persuasive power of test rides.

How to register
Registration is simply and easy. Just send your request to Ms. Angela Budde to receive the registration form.

Email: Angela.Budde(at)ExtraEnergy.org

Even easier: Just download the registration form and fax it to +49 - (0)36646 - 27095

>> Registration form (PDF)

Please notice: It is not necessary to have a booth space at the show to get a check in at the Test IT Track.

At a single glance
Date: 20 - 23 March 2013
Registration deadline: 1 March 2013
Test IT Track: Nangang Exhibition Hall, Cargo Ramp, 4F, Taipei, Taiwan

About ExtraEnergy e.V.
ExtraEnergy e.V. is a nongovernmental organization (NGO), headquartered in Tanna, Germany. Since 1992, ExtraEnergy`s goal is to grow the Light-Electric-Vehicle (LEV) industry. Promotion through test-ride events, information, conferences and testing is at the core of the organization`s actions. With the e-mobilty hype in full swing, you just have to reap the fruits.

About Taipei International Cycle Show
The Taipei International Cycle Show is one of Asia`s largest trade cycle shows, organized by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). The show exhibits complete bicycles, bicycle parts, bicycle accessories and LEVs. This year, it is the show`s 26th anniversary.
In 2012, the Taipei International Cycle Show attracted a record of 6,397 international visitors. The int`l visitors from China (including HK) is on the top of the 10 countries by overseas visitors. It is followed by Japan, the USA, South Korea, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, France and UK.
1,092 manufacturers from 36 countries, including Taiwan, Germany, Italy, Holland, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Japan exhibited in 2012.

Please find further information at:

Text and picture: ExtraEnergy e.V.



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